
Skin premiered at Theater-der-welt (World Theatre Festival) 2021 in Dusseldorf, Germany. An international Festival in Germany. It is a triennial festival that takes place in different cities and regions in Germany. The piece utilizes dance, colours, light, movement and sound to discuss colourism, segregation and body shaming by examining bleaching and other influenced skin treatments and how they have shaped societal views and opinions. Society has shaped the mindset of young boys and girls into believing that looking a certain way, is more appealing than being in love with your skin. The issue of racism and discrimination has left scars on the hearts of many and these experiences have to a certain extent defined the preference of certain skin colour. So, the question is; what is colour to you? How do you see Colour? How much do you appreciate the colour of your skin? When did the colour of your body become the pathway to addressing you? When did the colour of your skin become an object of personification? Are colours not supposed to be just beautiful, adding spice to the life? These are some of the questions that the play SKIN answers. This piece is used to propose that there is only one colour and race which is humanity and we should be proud of our identity no matter the colour, skin or background..